I have suffered severely with diastasis recti on my second pregnancy, after having my first baby it returned back to “normal” quite quickly postpartum but it has been a totally different journey with my second pregnancy. Returning to extreme exercise too quickly and not allowing my body to fully recover resulting in me still suffering abdominal separation nearly two years postpartum. There is a lot of mixed information out there and personally i don’t feel enough trained professionals to help women recover and return to exercise safely postpartum. Everyone is different and what one person is doing 2-3 months after having a baby doesn’t necessarily mean you are able to do the same. It’s a long term process that needs to be taken with caution to avoid any long term internal damage. My advice is to always seek help from a trained professional in that field before returning to any type of exercise. I’ve added a great link from Girls Gone Strong with an article from Pre- & postnatal coaching certification reviewer Dr. Carrie Pagliano who explains how to train with diastasis recti.

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