My Story

I was born in the UK in Kent in 1982! My love for sport began i think as soon as I could walk (about 10 months old!!) There was no stopping me, I started tiny tots gymnastics at about age 3 and also picked up my first tennis racquet around the same time. I ended up competing in gymnastics and getting to national level with tennis. I also took up middle/long distance track and road running when i was around 12 and also competed at national level with that as well. I was in every single sports team you could think of even the all boys teams at primary school for cricket and football!! I have a love for horses and was into show jumping around my teens. I don’t think there is a sport that i didn’t do, and as I’m sure you can imagine my favourite subject at school was P.E. 

I got into weight training in my mid 20’s and absolutely fell in love with it. I had always just been into “cardio” based exercise due to my sporting background and lifting weights for women was never really encouraged back then. I couldn’t believe how much it changed my body, how strong, confident and empowered it made me feel. I was hooked…. I  thought to myself how do I encourage other women to feel the same as me. So i studied, qualified for my cert III and IV in fitness and helped other women to feel the same. I had moved to Australia by this time where I also fell in love with the sunshine, the beaches and the outdoor active lifestyle that went with it.. every day felt like a holiday.

I met my husband in Australia and we ended up moving back to his home country of New Zealand and we had our two beautiful boys. My life did change when I became a Mum, not only was I navigating being responsible for this little human I had created, I  was also watching my Dad suffer and battle terminal cancer. Travelling back and forth to the UK and France to spend time with him, with a new baby and a business to run. At the time I didn’t realise how much it was affecting my mental health, I was just dealing with things the best I could to be strong for my baby and my Dad. Being so far away from my family, had a huge impact on me and i was struggling more than I realised. My Dad lost his battle to cancer after 4 years of fighting, when we were told he would only have 3 months to live. I certainly know where I got my strength from!! 

That whole part of my life is a big blur to be honest and it wasn’t until I was pregnant with my second son that it all came crashing down on me!! I’d never felt so out of control of my own life before, I  didn’t know what was happening to me. The struggles of navigating grief were a lonely place. The gym was somewhere that really helped me through this difficult stage of my life. That’s when I created Boss Mums Fitness. You never know what the next person is going through.

I wanted to create a safe space for women to not only train but get support from a community of women all battling their own problems. 

What We Offer

We offer a variety of different memberships depending on your goals and location.

I strongly believe to see real change we need to look at other surrounding factors of our lifestyle and not just our training.  Incorporating healthy daily habits into our routine, focusing on stress, sleep and recovery are key things to help us in achieving our goals.

In our coaching programs we provide you with the support and tools you need to succeed. Don’t wait make the change TODAY!


Our mission is to empower and positively impact as many women’s lives from around the world as possibly can. We believe everyone should have the opportunity to be able to live and healthy and active life. 

I know how daunting it can be to start a fitness journey. So I wanted to create a safe space for women to feel like no matter where they’re at in their journey they can feel like they belong. A family environment where we all encourage each other to be the best possibly be, while all still navigating our own paths individually.

We want it to be all YOU….Feeling confident, comfortable, supported, understood and walking out of those doors or finishing a workout feeling empowered and like you can conquer the world. 

We are so passionate about teaching our members how to create a healthy mindset around training, nutrition and lifestyle. I know all too well how hard it is juggling the everyday stresses of life, so we teach you how important mindset really is, how to train effectively and effectively and really gets results – that last. 

We would absolutely love to work with you to help you achieve your health and fitness goals. Reach out to me or one of my team if you have any questions or join one of our memberships now to become a part of our amazing community x 

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